Arts & Crafts Organizers to Use As Makeup Organizers

I went to Michael’s Craft store to walk around and they have so many storage and organizer stuff. I bought the one that holds beads tubes to hold my lipgloss and liquid lipstick and it keeps it organized. I hope to share my hack and link what organizers sounds perfect to hold makeup. Michael’s CraftContinue reading “Arts & Crafts Organizers to Use As Makeup Organizers”

Ratting the New Sunday Riley’s Sun Screen

I was lucky to review the new product for Sunday Riley Light Hearted Broad Spectrum SPF 30. The truth I love it. This is the best sun screen I ever try out. All the sun screen were sticky and leave the white chalky finish or make the skin oily. This Light Hearted SPF 30 isContinue reading “Ratting the New Sunday Riley’s Sun Screen”

Tiktok Made Me Bought It

Do you ever wonder want social media the young generation is using is? It is Tiktok. Tiktok is a place to post videos for few seconds. If you ever wonder why stuff is all sold out in stores and online it’s Tiktok that made it sold out. Here things got Tiktok famous. 35 Color OMGContinue reading “Tiktok Made Me Bought It”

Peach Theme Makeup

The little fruit is getting famous. From emoji to makeup products now. Here are makeup products that are inspired by the peach. COLOURPOP Colour Pop new collection is peach theme. The good part about Colour Pop is that it is inexpensive make up. Who said you need to spend a lot of money on goodContinue reading “Peach Theme Makeup”

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